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Full Chart Analysis

Ref No. 5434

A birth chart is the map of our life indicating the purpose of our life.

This reading, which will be covered during a 60 minutes online consultation by a Skype or Zoom call, will cover every aspect of life, the weaknesses and strengths in the chart, Finances, Marital life, Children, Health and other concerns. This reading can give inputs on your personal traits, what you need to change and how to maintain relationships, what career is best suited for you etc.

Online consultation or in Person at office  will be provided.

After payments the birth details (Name, Gender, Birth date, Birth time, Place of birth) and all the related queries are to be mailed at


20 In Stock



$ 75.00


A birth chart is the map of our life indicating the purpose of our life.

This reading, which will be covered during a 60 minutes online consultation by a Skype or Zoom call, will cover every aspect of life, the weaknesses and strengths in the chart, Finances, Marital life, Children, Health and other concerns. This reading can give inputs on your personal traits, what you need to change and how to maintain relationships, what career is best suited for you etc.

Online consultation or in Person at office  will be provided.

After payments the birth details (Name, Gender, Birth date, Birth time, Place of birth) and all the related queries are to be mailed at



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