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Ref No. 1393

The name is a Mantra, a virtual Beeja which vibrates with frequency energy, and power. The right name can be protective, nourishing, and progressive for the child.

A wrongly resonating Name can be very challenging and sometimes destructive to the newborn child.

It's extremely important to choose a harmonious auspicious and beneficial name to facilitate the health intelligence talents longevity and happiness of the New born child

The method to name a new born child is also applicable for Office brand names or even to see compatibility between husband-wife, Parents and Child or Boss and worker etc.

We at VVNAS do a Naamkaran session taking into consideration the best combination in the chart involving the Rajyogas, thus activating the benefits and beneficial houses also taking into consideration the old vedic system of katapayadi and then winding it up with a Numerology session to See its vibration with the date of Birth and spell correction.


4 In Stock



$ 125.00


The name is a Mantra, a virtual Beeja which vibrates with frequency energy, and power. The right name can be protective, nourishing, and progressive for the child.

A wrongly resonating Name can be very challenging and sometimes destructive to the newborn child.

It's extremely important to choose a harmonious auspicious and beneficial name to facilitate the health intelligence talents longevity and happiness of the New born child

The method to name a new born child is also applicable for Office brand names or even to see compatibility between husband-wife, Parents and Child or Boss and worker etc.

We at VVNAS do a Naamkaran session taking into consideration the best combination in the chart involving the Rajyogas, thus activating the benefits and beneficial houses also taking into consideration the old vedic system of katapayadi and then winding it up with a Numerology session to See its vibration with the date of Birth and spell correction.



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